Research Post
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Pathophysiology
Zaloška 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Main research interests
Adaptive cellular stress responses, apoptosis triggering, aging induced stress & nutrition and the role of antioxidants, ROS and mitochondria in stress responses
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI)
Clinical Nutrition: the role of antioxidants in disease prevention and specific pathologies
1992-1997 University of Cambridge (Churchill College), Cambridge, UK
PhD in Human Molecular Genetics
1985-1991 University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
BSc in Biology (Molecular Biology)
Professional experience
2013 Full Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2016 A licenced LLL trainer for Clinical Nutrition courses accredited by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN)
Since 2008 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Stress responses in liver cells, discovered a stress response, PACOS
Since 2005 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences
Lecturing Biochemistry and Metabolism & Nutrition
1999-2008 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Mitochondrial activation of apoptosis, localised caspases-3 and -9
1997-1999 Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Membrane transport through the mitochondrial inner membrane, determined modular structure of Tim23
1994-1996 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Identified the first two human dynein-related genes
1992-1994 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Effects of mutations in a soluble domain of an ABC transporter hemolysin B
1991-1992 BBSRC Babraham Institute, Babraham, Cambridge
Cloned and sequenced rat LMP2 MHC-linked proteasome genes
1990-1991 University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Effects of TNF-α and two of its analogues on cultured cells
Teaching post
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Health Sciences
Zdravstvena pot 5
1000 Ljubljana

Since 2005:
- Undergraduate and graduate courses in Biochemistry and Metabolism & Nutrition for students of Nursing, Midwifery, Orthotics and Prosthetics, Radiology engineering and Public Health
UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine:
Techniques for studying membrane proteins and assesing the membrane integrity on the model of mitochondrial biogenesis
Cellular models of stress
Since 2016:
A licenced LLL trainer for Clinical Nutrition courses accredited by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN)
Since 2013:
Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology